POSTED UNDER Charm, Family

A Happy Holidays Charm

Color of the day:  White
Incense of the day:  Lavender
The holiday season can be full of fun or turmoil, often both. We have many tasks to do, and most of us spend time with our families. It helps to get a handle on the hectic times with some common sense and a little magic. Here are some practical tips.

Plan your schedule in advance. Make your most important commitments first, then plan around them. Take breaks as needed. Do fun things with family. Remember, it's okay to say no.

For this spell, you will need a strand of thread and some mixed beads, with which you can make a bracelet or other charm. Choose a bead for each of your relatives. As you thread each bead onto the strand, picture a happy memory with that person and concentrate on making happiness the focus of your time together. When you finish stringing all the beads, knot the strand and keep it with you.
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