Don't Blame Me!

Color of the day:  Brown
Incense of the day:  Magnolia
On this day in 1567, Mary, Queen of Scots, was imprisoned for supposedly plotting to murder Queen Elizabeth I of England. It's a difficult life when you feel you're entitled to something only to have it snatched out from under your nose. Have you ever been wrongly accused of something? There's a simple way to free yourself so that you're not imprisoned like Mary!

Using a red pen, write the name of your accuser backwards nine times on a piece of paper. Roll up the paper as tightly as it will go, then set fire to it in a heat-proof container. As the paper burns, so will your perceived guilt. Dispose of the ashes somewhere not on your property, like a public trash can, or even flush them down a gas station toilet. This spell works only if you're innocent, though, so think twice before doing it!
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Link to this spell: http://www.llewellyn.com/spell.php?spell_id=7110