POSTED UNDER Charm, Family, Home, AND MORE

A Grass Spell for Protection

Color of the day:  Rose
Incense of the day:  Alder
In this spell, grasses are used to share their strength and ability to protect home and family. On a dry day, cut some tall grasses to fit in a jar or vase. These could be roadside weeds or ornamental grass. Place the grasses in your jar or vase, but don't add water; you want them to dry. Hide the grasses-an attic would be ideal. Write the following charm and place it in the jar too:

"Grasses green and grasses grand,
Growing tall and noble in fields across the land,
I ask that you share your vitality
With those who share this home with me.
Protect all who call this home a place to dwell,
Through the year, keep us safe and keep us well."

Next summer, compost the dried grasses and the written charm. Repeat the spell if you wish.
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