POSTED UNDER Bath, Garden, Spring, AND MORE

Honeybee Magic

Color of the day:  Gray
Incense of the day:  Hyssop
Colony collapse disorder is causing an alarming loss of honeybee populations. We depend on honeybees to pollinate food-bearing plants, especially fruit trees. Bees have been important to humans for millennia and are intimately entwined with human history. Honey is a superfood and a natural antimicrobial agent. We can attract honeybees to pollinate in our gardens and encourage the healthy proliferation of these important insects.

Plant a variety of annuals in pots or in a small garden bed, and place a small bowl of water or a birdbath there, too. Annuals that attract bees include borage, sunflowers, cosmos, cornflowers, calendula, and asters. Some of these can be planted from seed earlier in spring, and many are available from your local garden shop.

Honeybees are gentle and will not sting unless their lives are in danger (as stinging kills them). Sit in your garden and watch them busily pollinate your flowers. Maybe they'll inspire you to be more industrious!
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Peg Aloi is a freelance writer, film critic, and media studies scholar. Her anthology New Generation Witches (Ashgate Press 2008), co-edited with Hannah Johnston, explores the world of teenage witchcraft. She teaches media studies at the College of Saint Rose, and has been a consultant on a number ...
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