Magickal Entryway Wash

Color of the day:  Blue
Incense of the day:  Rue
Saturdays are a lovely time to do magickal work for the hearth and home. Logically, the place that sees the most physical and energetic traffic is your front door. Today, give your front door a thorough cleansing with soap and water, then mix up a nice magickal wash to both cleanse and boost the energetic vibrations of your door's main gateway.

To call upon the magickal number of three and all that it represents, buy three different citrus fruits of your choosing, squeeze their juice into a bucket of hot water, then add their peels. Wipe down your door and entryway with the wash and recite this:

"Citrus beaming with high energy,
Cleanse and clear my entry's energy.
By power of citrus three, so mote it be!"

When you are finished, dispose of the bucket of wash under a tree in nature and let Mother Earth transmute any collected energy.
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