Past Life Spell

Color of the day:  White
Incense of the day:  Carnation
Sometimes our past-life baggage can trip us up and cause problems in our current life. Often, healing these energy patterns can become our life's purpose.

For this spell, inscribe one black candle for your patron god and one for your matron goddess. Cast your circle and call the quarters in your usual way, and then say:

"I am here to learn about the energies
from my past lives that still need
healing. I am open to learning about
who and what I was. Please, Lord and
Lady, give clarity to my meditation."

Make yourself comfortable and visualize your spirit backing out of your body and drifting backward until you find yourself in another body-your body in a past life that has significance to the life you're living today. Stay open to the lessons your gods present for you to learn, and allow time and space for the meditation.

Once you've risen from the work, jot down any relevant things you saw or heard. Going forward, work to heal those energies.
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Thuri Calafia (Portland, OR) is an ordained Wiccan minister and High Priestess who has been teaching the Wiccan path for over thirty years. The founder of the Circles system and the Circles School of Witchcraft and Wicca, she is actively involved in her local community and teaches workshops, ...
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