POSTED UNDER Friends, Healing, Luck, AND MORE

Merging with the Oak

Color of the day:  Purple
Incense of the day:  Myrrh
Thursday's energies resonate with the sacred oak tree. Oaks are celebrated as having the spiritual properties of healing, luck, and protection-a winning combination! Today is a good day to make friends with this plant spirit.

Head outdoors and find an oak tree that calls to you. Stand or sit with your back against the tree's trunk. Visualize yourself connecting with the tree. Breathe deeply in and out. See yourself merging with the tree, inviting the tree's spirit within you. See yourself becoming part of the tree. Your legs become roots, your arms become tree limbs, your body becomes covered not in skin but in beautifully textured protective bark. See yourself absorbing the qualities of the oak, healing from the inside out by the tree's spirit, gaining its protection, and perhaps it will share a bit of its luck with you and allow you to take with you the lucky talisman of an acorn.
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