POSTED UNDER Troubles, Water

The Waters of Purity (Simplified)

Color of the day:  White
Incense of the day:  Nutmeg
For this spell you will need your chalice filled with water. Ground and center. Contemplate that which troubles you and imagine that it takes the form of a black smoke, which you now direct into the water with each exhale. Continue this until you feel the water has become dark and "poisoned." Enchant the water, saying:

"Poison I have held within,
Fear or anger, shame or sin,
Transform by breath of witches' flame.
My power shines.
I here reclaim."

Take a cleansing breath and imagine breathing white fire directly into the water as you intone the sound of a low, vibrant hum. With each exhale, the darkness in the cup begins to transform in your mind's eye, becoming a brilliant crystalline luminescence. When you feel this is at its peak, reverently drink the water, feeling this light of transformation working its magic within you. Go about your day remembering this light within.
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About Storm Faerywolf
Storm Faerywolf is a published author, experienced teacher, visionary poet, and professional warlock. He is a regular contributor to Modern Witch and is a founding teacher of Black Rose, an online school of modern folkloric witchcraft. He has written several books, including Betwixt and Between, ...
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