POSTED UNDER Blessing, Home, Spring, AND MORE

Out with the Old Spell

Color of the day:  Pink
Incense of the day:  Yarrow
According to tradition, this was the last day holiday greenery was allowed in the home or church. To leave it up after this date was believed to bring misfortune. Keeping this in mind, this is a good day to freshen up your home. Remove any clutter and discard items you no longer need. If you have any sickly houseplants, replace them. If your budget allows, buy some decorative items. Pillows for the sofa or a cozy throw are good ideas. In the evening, light an orange candle. Gaze at the flame and say:

"Divine Power, everything is
fresh, the old is gone.
Bless my home and prepare me
For spring and the shining sun."

Watch the candle flame and visualize the strengthening sun blessing you with good fortune. Let the candle burn out in a safe place.
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