POSTED UNDER Blessing, Cat, Charm, AND MORE

The Keys of Life

Color of the day:  Indigo
Incense of the day:  Magnolia
Gift a couple the keys to happiness and success with this fun spell. Gather seven old skeleton keys and a golden key ring. Attach a rainbow ribbon and a shipping tag to each key. Upon each tag write the Venusian keys to love:

1: Trust, exhibited as equally reciprocated
2: Understanding, extended to others always
3: Love, given as well as received freely
4: Forgiveness, grappled with regularly
5: Gratitude, exhibited daily
6: Resources, united and equally occupied
7: Vision, shared goals for the future secured

Tie all of the ribbons in multiple bows and place them all on the golden ring. Place one final tag on the ring and write:

"In thought, speech, and
action, I pledge."

Gift this charm to couples as a blessing evocative of the golden rules of cooperative happiness in partnership. Consult elders in your family to learn new keys and create a tradition of passing on the wisdom that works.
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