POSTED UNDER Air, Earth, Water

Arbor Offering

Color of the day:  White
Incense of the day:  Mint
Today is Arbor Day in the US. Think of all that trees do, are, and provide: shelter, fuel, building materials, shade, oxygen, beauty, paper products, and syrups. In honor of Arbor Day, make an offering to a tree in your area. You'll need a jug of water.

Kneel by the tree and say:
"Blessed be your roots that hold this sacred earth.

Pour some water.
"Blessed be your leaves that cleanse our sweet air."

Pour more water.
"Blessed be your wood that feeds our magical fires."

Pour more water.
"Blessed be your sap, the water of your living branches."

Pour more water.
"As I lie in your shade or gather your leaves, I pledge to care for you as you care for me."

Bring the tree some water occasionally.
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