Eeny, Meeny, Miny, Moe

Color of the day:  Brown
Incense of the day:  HoneySuckle
Fate and chance are always locked in a heated game of fortuitous happenstance. If you seek an instant answer of any kind today, might I recommend a timeless and classic playground divination method to set your life awhirl with chance and synchronicity?

While not all versions of this rhyme are innocent, the version I recommend and often use is as Scottish as my ancestry. I love using this rhyme from my childhood as a method of exercising chance, whether it be encouraging myself to take a new route home or select a random flavor of ice cream. It's easy: as you chant, eliminate any options that land on out and naught until only one single option remains. This method rarely disappoints.

"Eetle, ottle, black bottle,
Eetle, ottle, out!
If you want bannock and coddle,
Needle me, noddle naught!
This or that black bottle (poison),
This or that is out!
If you want pancakes and indulgent cuddles,
Irritate my head not."
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