POSTED UNDER Air, Earth, Garden

A Binding Love Spell

Color of the day:  Coral
Incense of the day:  Mint
This spell/ritual may be used as part of a wedding, a handfasting, or a commitment ceremony. You could also use it as a private romantic rite. You'll need a field where tall grasses and wildflowers are growing, as well as some jute garden twine and a pair of scissors or a ritual knife.

In the field, the couple should each cut a handful of grasses and twist them together to form a braid. Then they should tie the braided grasses together in the center with the twine. As they both hold the tied grasses, they should say:

"These grasses, which are tied and bound,
Unite us forever from toe to crown.
We are bound hand to hand, heart to heart.
United, we shall never part."

End by leaving the bundle of grass in the field. It should be allowed to return to the soil from where it came, and again be united with Mother Earth.
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