Accomplishment Spell

Color of the day:  Silver
Incense of the day:  Narcissus
Mondays are the beginning of the work week for most of us and are a great day to do a spell to inspire accomplishment. Whether you are self-employed or work for someone else, take a moment to think of three things you would like to get done this week. They could be tasks at work or at home, for your employer or for you. Don't worry, everything doesn't need to be done in one day. Set your sights on having these tasks done by week's end. Plant the seed and let accomplishment grow. Chant:

"I know the limits of my physical energy, Goddess be with me.
I know the limits of time and space, Gods be with me.
I know the limits of work and worry, Goddess bless me.
I work steadily without delay or hurry, Gods be with me.
These tasks I will accomplish, Divine ones be with me."
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