POSTED UNDER Home, Spring, Summer

Summer Energetic Cleaning

Color of the day:  Black
Incense of the day:  Pine
Many of us do a thorough spring cleaning; however, summer is often a period when hot days lead to a lack of desire to do a deep round of housekeeping. Stagnant energy in the home can be compounded by summer heat and humidity, a really heavy combination. Since Saturday is the day of the week that is ruled by Saturn, today is a great day to do home magick, so let’s take advantage of that energetic wave!

First, do what you can to get your home’s temperature as comfortable as possible so you can concentrate on your energetic work. Mix up a simple smudge blend of one part crushed white sage, one part lavender buds, and an optional one part sweetgrass. Place safely onto a lit charcoal in a smudge bowl. Waft the smoke through your home, visualizing it as a cool cleansing breeze. Move methodically from room to room visualizing the stagnant energy dissipating and a cooling calm filling your space.
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