POSTED UNDER Blessing, Cure, Family, AND MORE

Apple Cider for Friendship

Color of the day:  Ivory
Incense of the day:  Narcissus

Today is National Apple Cider Day in the United States. Apples have a long-standing association with love and healing. I’m also a big proponent of the importance of acknowledging that there are many types of love aside from the romantic kind. We need loving familial relationships and friendships as well.

Today, prepare or procure a couple cups of hot apple cider. Have a sitdown with a beloved friend or family member and nurture your relationship over this magickal drink. A cuppa with a loved one is bonding time, especially over this drink made from the magickal apple! If your friend is of the magickal persuasion as well, try out this blessing over your ciders:

Magickal apple! Powerful brew!
Mulled and steeped with care
As good friendships do!
Warm and healing,
As both a friend and a
cuppa should be.
Friends and cider together, blessed be!

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