Deep Dark Spell

Color of the day:  Rose
Incense of the day:  Orchid

Too often we are afraid of the dark, but as I tell my daughter, “There’s nothing in the dark that isn’t there in the light.”

Tonight, claim the power of darkness. Walk slowly through your home, systematically turning off each light and saying:

What’s in the light is all still here, so
in the dark there’s nothing to fear.

Turn off the last remaining light source and sit down. Sit with your fear or anxiety. Sit with it and breathe. Consciously slow down your breathing, and notice your heart rate responding and slowing. Be aware of your eyes adjusting to the dark as your pupils widen.

As you breathe and slow down, affirm and know:

What’s in the light is all still here, so
in the dark there’s nothing to fear.
I am strong and capable,
confident and brave.
I am at peace with the
darkness, no longer afraid.

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