Do We Have to Be Serious All the Time?

Color of the day:  Purple
Incense of the day:  Yarrow

Back in the Middle Ages at the tail end of the year, the Feast of Fools (with temporary reversals of status) was celebrated. What can we do today? Our magic doesn’t always have to be Highly Serious.

First, go to a toy store and buy some wind-up toys—witches, frogs, little airplanes, anything that moves. Cast your circle and skew the altar a bit so the sylphs, undines, salamanders, and gnomes get some new scenery. Set toys or Muppets in the four directions:

Air: Sam the Eagle
Fire: Animal
Water: Kermit the Frog
Earth: Miss Piggy

In the center, place a toy Christmas tree decorated with pastel Cheerios (the year goes round and round).

Instead of the usual invocations, sing old folk songs or disco songs.

Don’t light candles. That’s too dangerous when you wind up all the toys and set them loose on the altar.

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About Barbara Ardinger
Barbara Ardinger, Ph.D., (Long Beach, California), is a Witch, teacher, and freelance writer.  She holds a Ph.D. in English Renaissance literature. ...
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