POSTED UNDER Blessing, Charm, Home, AND MORE

New Year Lemon Charm

Color of the day:  White
Incense of the day:  Basil

Inspired by Leland’s Aradia, this spell can be used to bless the home for the coming year. It is appropriate to make this charm to give as a gift, for to receive one in such a manner is said to bring the added blessing of a prosperous and joyful life.

You will need:
• 3 lengths of ribbon: green, purple, and red
• Several pins with colored heads (except for black)
• A lemon

Braid the ribbons together, saying:
Health and power,
Love, sex, and creativity.

Repeat the chant until you have finished your braid. Now stick the pins into the lemon until it is entirely covered with an array of colored pins.

Attach the braid to the lemon so that it may be hung in the home. When it is hung ( preferably at midnight), say:

As midnight strikes its final chime,
The power of this spell unfolds.
Abundant blessings, all sublime,
Upon this house are now bestowed.

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About Storm Faerywolf
Storm Faerywolf is a published author, experienced teacher, visionary poet, and professional warlock. He is a regular contributor to Modern Witch and is a founding teacher of Black Rose, an online school of modern folkloric witchcraft. He has written several books, including Betwixt and Between, ...
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