Pentacks of Prosperity

Color of the day:  Green
Incense of the day:  Nutmeg

The US Congress passed the Coinage Act on this day in 1792 to regulate coin amounts and usages (which at the time included coins called eagles and half eagles). Coins are associated with pentacles, so this is a great day to use them to grow your prosperity.

Gather these supplies:
* A small green or gold bag
* 1 of each of the following: a penny, nickel, dime, quarter, fifty-cent piece, and dollar coin
* 1 whole nutmeg

Bless the supplies in the name of the prosperity goddess of your choice, such as Habondia, Rosmerta, Fortuna, etc.

As you drop each coin in the bag, from the lowest to the highest denomination, say the following:

From penny to dollar,
My prosperity flowers.

Drop in the nutmeg last. Carry this with you until your prosperity manifests.

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