Krampus Holiday Fun Spell

Color of the day:  White
Incense of the day:  Apricot

Krampus is the original “wild man” of the Yuletide season. Though he has a reputation for being a rather stern figure, he’s usually the life of the party.

If the holidays have you depressed, place a small piece of mistletoe in a bag (mistletoe is poisonous, so keep it wrapped up!) and say the following words over it:

May I be merry,
May I be bright,
Never contrary,
A Yuletide delight.
Krampus, hear my plea.
This is my will, let it be!

The powers of Krampus and the mistletoe will help you overcome any holiday malaise and make you the center of attention at any office Christmas party.

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About Ari Mankey
Ari Mankey has been practicing Witchcraft and creating spells for over twenty years. With her husband, Jason, she runs two covens in the San Francisco Bay Area.   ...
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