POSTED UNDER Family, Peace

Peace Be With You

Color of the day:  Scarlet
Incense of the day:  Bayberry

The holidays are so stressful for some folks. Maybe there’s a lot to do and not enough time to do it. Perhaps you’re alone, or maybe you’ve got a large and argumentative family. Whatever the situation, this spell will help you keep your cool and find a way to stay peaceful and centered. You’ll need a pen and some unlined paper, a candle in a holder, and something to light it with.

Write down the names of the people who stress you out—or, if it’s a situation and not a person, write that down. Draw a circle around what you wrote, and place it under the candle. Light the candle, and as you do so, say:

Peace around me,
Peace before me,
Peace between me and thee,
So mote it be.

If you can let the candle burn down on its own safely, do that. If not, pinch it out.

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