Block Buster Spell

Color of the day:  White
Incense of the day:  Bayberry

Tuesday, the day of Mars, is always a good time to do work for new beginnings and breakthroughs. Today happens to be a particularly powerful day for this, as Mars is currently transiting Taurus, the sign known for its work ethic. Cast this spell to open the roads that feel blocked to you.

Using a small carving tool, etch the name of the block you wish to bust on the side of a red candle. Dress the candle by rubbing the sides with ground ginger and cinnamon, then affix it to a firesafe dish or candleholder. Facing the west, recite the following spell and then light the candle. Allow the candle to burn completely without snuffing it out.

Tired, over it, I am done with this sh*t,
I call the powers, get me out of this pit.
I banish the blocks and clear the way,
I call in the new, the old cannot stay.

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Devin Hunter is the bestselling author of The Witch's Book of Power, The Witch's Book of Spirits, The Witch's Book of Mysteries, the critically acclaimed Modern Witch, and Crystal Magic for the Modern Witch. Initiated into multiple occult orders, Devin is the founder ...
Link to this spell: http://www.llewellyn.com/spell.php?spell_id=8089