Seed Catalog Spell

Color of the day:  Indigo
Incense of the day:  Sage

It’s time to dream of summer and plan a magical garden. The soil is still cold, but the latest seed catalogs are out and you can always dream.

Cast a circle, calling in the Goddess:

By the earth that is her body, the
air that is her breath, the fire of her
strong spirit, and the waters of her
living womb, I cast this circle.

I call what is above and what is below,
and ask them to unite—earth and
sunlight—to grow my magical garden.

In sacred space, contemplate your own garden and which herbs and flowers you could seed and grow to use in your magical practice. Focused on love spells? Grow roses and basil. Interested in joy and happiness? Plant calendula and sunflowers. Practicing protection? Plant garlic and rosemary.

Once you have envisioned your magical garden, thank the directions and open the circle, ready now to order from those seed catalogs.

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