Embrace the Fool

Color of the day:  Blue
Incense of the day:  Rue

No matter how you feel about April Fools’ Day, there’s one fool always worth celebrating: the Fool of the tarot. In most tarot decks, the Fool is the first card of the major arcana and has the number zero. The Fool represents spontaneity, new beginnings, travel, and innocence. Pull this card from your deck or print a picture of one. Carry it with you today and let the Fool’s journey guide you on your adventures. Embrace your inner Fool and enjoy the day with confidence, grace, and surprise. You never know where you might end up!

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About Jason Mankey
Jason Mankey is a third-degree Gardnerian High Priest and helps run two Witchcraft covens in the San Francisco Bay Area with his wife, Ari. He is a popular speaker at Pagan and Witchcraft events across North America and Great Britain and has been recognized by his peers as an authority on the ...
Link to this spell: http://www.llewellyn.com/spell.php?spell_id=8874