POSTED UNDER Blessing, Friends, Garden, AND MORE

Fae Blessings for the Garden

Color of the day:  Gold
Incense of the day:  Eucalyptus

With today’s waxing moon, th is is a good time for a spell requesting fae blessings on your garden. If you haven’t yet planted your basil and chives, this is a good day to do so, and these are good herbs to use for this spell. A small plant works best, rather than seeds.

Repot your plant in a pretty pot, then water the plant. Slide a copper penny into the soil near the edge of the pot, farthest from the plant. (Copper does not hurt basil or chives). Pour a few drops of milk (any kind) onto the soil and say:

Friends in the fae realm,
I ask your blessing on this
plant and garden.
May they thrive under your
protection and care,
With my gratitude.
So mote it be.

Care for the plant daily, and enjoy its growth.

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