Morning Brew Meditation

Color of the day:  Black
Incense of the day:  Ylang-Ylang

Today is National Coffee Day in Colombia, one of many coffeeproducing nations. Although this is a Colombian celebration, coffee is enjoyed worldwide, and that makes it a good day to consider the process involved in getting these beloved beans to us in the United States.

Today, if you’re a coffee drinker, set your coffee to start brewing by whatever means and then begin a meditative journey in your mind, thinking about the country where your coffee was grown and the environment there. Is it in danger? How is climate change affecting it? Consider the treatment of the workers involved in the farming process and how the beans got to the place where you purchased them. Visualize these contemplations as a journey.

End your meditation when your coffee is finished brewing. You might have to do some research before and certainly after this meditation to suss out the facts! It’s always good to try to be an informed consumer and to shop ethically

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