Holiday Meditation by the Sea

Color of the day:  White
Incense of the day:  Carnation

Holidays are what many of us work for, those days or weeks somewhere different, and many of us choose a vacation by the sea. The smell of the ocean and a changing tide when you are at the beach is wonderful. There is something different about the air near the coast, possibly because of the extra ions in the sea air. This accelerates your body’s ability to absorb more oxy[1]gen, which balances your serotonin levels. It is no wonder that ancestors in the past, such as the Victorians, believed in the healing effects of being by the sea or ocean.

When we are by the sea, our senses are alive as we look at, feel, and smell all the wonderful things around us. This energy can be harnessed into positive action, and a changing tide is a great way to restore, reaffirm, or rearrange a plan, a project, or your life.

Next time you are at the sea and the tide begins to change, go down to the water’s edge and dip your feet in the water and let the tide wash over your toes. Keep your hands at your sides, with palms open, and say three times:

Changing tide,

Bring about change,

Manifest dreams and rearrange.

Stand for a while in the changing tide and imagine the waves taking away your negativity attached to a project or something that you no longer want in your life. The incoming waves bring enthusiasm, energy, and determination to your chosen idea of what you truly want. Feel inspired, and when you leave the water, thank the sea for its strength and renewal of your plan.

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About Tudorbeth
Tudorbeth is the principal of the British College of Witchcraft and Wizardry and teaches courses on witchcraft. She is the author of numerous books, including The Hedgewitch's Little Book of Spells, Charms & Brews and A Spellbook for the Seasons (Eddison Books, 2019). Tudorbeth is a hereditary ...
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