Release the Past New Moon Spell

Color of the day:  Yellow
Incense of the day:  Marjoram

The new moon is a great time of the month to set new intentions and release past energies. New moons are like an energetic threshold: out with the old and in with the new. You can use the new moon energy and burn sage or incense (whatever you have on hand) to cleanse your living space and help usher in a new meaningful phase in your life. If you don’t have access to these magical supplies, remember that the most powerful component of any spell is always you. You can close your eyes and visualize the smoke dancing in the air. Once you have decided what you need to leave behind, chant these words:

I burn this sage/incense to

release the past. The situation I

experienced was not meant to last.

Please help clear the way for a new

path for me. As I will it, so mote it be!

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About Sapphire Moonbeam
Sapphire Moonbeam is a rainbow energy artist, metaphysical jewelry maker, card reader, author, and nature photographer, and has a bachelor's degree in psychology from the University of Missouri–Kansas City. Sapphire is the artist and author of the Moonbeam Magick oracle card deck. She is a ...
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