Mother Earth Balance Spell

Color of the day:  Silver
Incense of the day:  Rosemary

Sometimes there are moments or events in our lives that can throw us completely off balance. When life throws you a curve, this is a time to reconnect with the core of your being. If you want to feel more grounded, consider doing this spell.

Find a place to sit comfortably on the ground. Place your hands on the earth. Take a moment, close your eyes, and imagine your hands and your personal energy radiating into the ground. Visualize your hands connecting with the nurturing heartbeat of Mother Earth. In order to focus this energy, chant these words:

I send my energy into the

ground, where the stability of

the earth can be found.

Restore my balance, bring peace to me. As I will it, so mote it be! Spend time connecting with Mother Earth anytime you need to integrate more harmony into your spirit.

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Sapphire Moonbeam is a rainbow energy artist, metaphysical jewelry maker, card reader, author, and nature photographer, and has a bachelor's degree in psychology from the University of Missouri–Kansas City. Sapphire is the artist and author of the Moonbeam Magick oracle card deck. She is a ...
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