POSTED UNDER Love, Passion

Compassion for the Naysayers

Color of the day:  Turquoise
Incense of the day:  Mulberry

Some people do not like it when you surpass their expectations of you. Perhaps you get a part in the play, win the lottery, win at love, get a promotion, and so on. These are the people who find fault with your achievement or ignore it, or maybe even no longer speak to you, only about you.

Do not let their reactions take the shine off your achievements. Bowing to such pressure can only diminish you. Instead, this is a time to be compassionate. Yes, reject the hurt and privately offer up positive energy for the naysayers. Say or think a specific sentence articulating your wish. Concentrate on that as often as you feel the need, then go about accepting that award, make plans for the lottery win, or enjoy the promotion, all with a light heart.

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