Taking Stock Meditation

Color of the day:  Rose
Incense of the day:  Cypress

In the fall we harvest and prepare for the cold months ahead. In modern times, even if we’re not literally harvesting, we still need to mentally prepare ourselves for a time of rest. Use this meditation to take stock of all you’ve achieved so far this year. What did you sow and what are you reaping? What goals do you have for the future? Think of this as your personal inventory and write everything down: your hopes, fears, dreams, accomplishments, etc.

Fold your list into a small square and bury it. As you do so, visualize the earth keeping your list safe and secure—a promise to protect your secrets and guard your wishes and goals. See the things you fear being absorbed and no longer a source of worry. Imagine what you want to manifest growing like a seed for the future. Chant these words as you bury the paper:

I plant this list like a seed—

A cycle of reaping and sowing.

I submit to earth these

words and deeds,

To aid both ending and growing.

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About Ember Grant
Ember Grant is a full time English professor and teaches writing, poetry, and literature. She has been writing for Llewellyn for more than twenty years and is the author of numerous articles and four books: Mythology for a Magical Life, The Book of Crystal Spells, The Second Book of Crystal Spells, ...
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