Bast Blessing for Feral Cats

Color of the day:  Ivory
Incense of the day:  Rosemary

This is a day to celebrate cats of all sorts, no matter where they live. My own experience with feral cats is limited to my college days. Students “adopted” kittens, but when they became more of a burden than just a cute ball of fluff, those growing cats were abandoned, usually at the end of the school year. The dumpsters at my college became the favorite living quarters of these felines, and their numbers increased at an alarming rate.

There are many ways to honor Bast, goddess of cats. You could volunteer at an animal shelter; take clean, old towels, sheets, and other linens to a shelter; or donate money, food, or gift cards. Contact your local shelter if you see feral cats. Call upon Bast for protection:

Bast, you never meant for any of

your descendants to be abandoned.

Watch over them while they continue

their journey here on earth and

on the rainbow bridge to you.

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