POSTED UNDER Peace, Prayer, Spring, AND MORE

The Summer Day

Color of the day:  White
Incense of the day:  Clove

Today is Dita e Veres (“The Summer Day”), one of the most celebrated pagan days in Albania. This marks the end of winter and honors nature’s ability to regenerate. Zana Malit, Muse of the Mountain and the goddess of hunting, forests, and nature, only comes out of her temple today. Let’s invoke Zana Malit’s spirit.

Put a large bowl of spring water in the middle of the floor. Collect four 3-to-4-inch pillar candles in the colors orange, yellow, blue, and green. Orange and yellow represent the rising and setting sun and summer energy, blue is for the sky and mountains and the spirit of peace, and green is for the verdancy and growth of summer.

Put the candles in fireproof holders. Whisper “Zana Malit, bless this space” as you place the blue candle to the north of the bowl, the orange candle to the east, the green candle to the south, and the yellow candle to the west.

Light each candle as you think of what they represent, and chant “Zana Malit” as you focus your eyes on the water.

Put your hands in prayer position at your heart center and reflect. Open your arms out to your sides, palms up, and say “Welcome, Zana Malit, growth and warmth,” as you face the north, west, south, and east of the bowl of water. Dip into the bowl with your fingers. Snuff out the candles.

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About Stephanie Rose Bird
Priestess Stephanie Rose Bird is a painter and the author of several bestselling books on earth spirituality, Hoodoo, and anthropology, including Sticks, Stones, Roots and Bones, 365 Days of Hoodoo, Light, Bright and Damned Near White, and African American Magick. Priestess Bird, who holds a BFA ...
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