Bodily Attuned

Color of the day:  White
Incense of the day:  Carnation

I am a dowser. I use pendulums and rods to attune to the electromagnetic energy of my environment and body. I have learned to use my body as a pendulum, and no longer need to have a tool.

We are, in essence, energy, and energy is affected by electromagnetism. Our body is an electromagnetic sensory tool, and we can learn how to "read" it.

Stand with your feet hip-distance apart. Feel balanced. Keep your knees soft. Slow your breath, attuning to your body. Closing the eyes enables internal focus. Ask your body to show you a "yes" response. Say something true: My name is Dallas Jennifer Cobb. (Use your own name.) Pay attention to any bodily response, like a sway or directional lean.

Now use an untrue statement to observe a "no" response: I am 141 years old.

Any time you need help choosing food or supplements, use this body pendulum technique to inform your decision.

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