Return to Me Spell

Color of the day:  Crimson
Incense of the day:  Jasmine

I once left an event wearing someone else's boots, the same size and color as mine. They didn't feel quite right, so I returned to the venue and found a woman at the door, searching.

When my daughter was small, I made tiny labels that were sewn into all her clothes, so they always made their way home. With my own backcountry camping gear, I have carefully written my name in indelible ink, so ownership is clear. Sometimes magic is disguised as common sense.

We can assume our stuff is safe, but too often it can be lost by being confused with other people's things. Use a Sharpie marker and practice a "Return to me" spell.

Write your name, or a symbol that you can use consistently, on all your favorite jackets, hats, boots, and shoes. As you write, whisper to them:
Always, always return to me.

Blessed be.

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