Get Rid of a Lover Spell

Color of the day:  Rose
Incense of the day:  Vanilla

If it is time to get rid of the creep in your life, try this spell. You'll need one apple and a paring knife. Wash and dry the apple. Dry it vigorously, like you're rubbing the louse out of your life. Next, with the knife, carve your soon-to-be ex's initials into the apple's skin. Now peel the apple. In your mind, see your lover getting smaller and smaller. Let the peel drop to the floor. You should eat the remainder of the apple. Enjoy every bite of it. When done, say these words:

No more lies, no more
cheating, no more strife.
Now you're out of my life.

Pick up the peel and get rid of it. You may compost it and let it rot, or throw it deep into a wooded area, or toss it in a trash container away from your home. There, you got rid of the peel—and the heel!

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