POSTED UNDER Blessing, Home, Luck, AND MORE

Good Luck Broom Spell

Color of the day:  Indigo
Incense of the day:  Sandalwood

January is a great time to add a broom above your entryway door to boost the luck and protection for your house and everyone in it for the year. Brooms help sweep away stagnant energy and dispel energy that is not welcome in your home. Add your own magical touch by making a broom with fallen branches and twigs from a nearby forest. If you buy a broom instead, a cinnamon-scented one is a good way to enhance your good fortune. If you don't have access to a cinnamon broom, you can always add your favorite essential oil scent or even fresh herbs/flower petals to the broom. When you walk across the threshold of your house, the pleasant scent will reinforce the intention and remind you of the protection and good luck broom. These words are a short blessing to say once the broom is placed above the entryway:

Now that I have this broom in place,
May it bring good luck and protection to my space.

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Sapphire Moonbeam is a rainbow energy artist, metaphysical jewelry maker, card reader, author, and nature photographer, and has a bachelor's degree in psychology from the University of Missouri–Kansas City. Sapphire is the artist and author of the Moonbeam Magick oracle card deck. She is a ...
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