POSTED UNDER Equinox, Spring, Water

Herbal Shower for the Spring Equinox

Color of the day:  Amber
Incense of the day:  Marigold

The spring equinox is coming, so now is a great time to think about renewal and rebirth. Taking a hot shower with fresh springtime herbs is a fabulous way to bring in new ideas and energy. This is very simple to do.

Gather a bundle of your favorite fresh herbs, such as rosemary, lavender, peppermint, thyme, or eucalyptus. Wrap the bundle in twine and let it hang from your showerhead. Start the water and let the steam bring out the essence and scent of the herbs. Step into the shower and feel the water cleanse you. Take deep breaths, allowing the scent of the herbs to fill your lungs, bringing newness, freshness, and clarity. When you exhale, release any tension or unwanted energy you need to get rid of. Continue this until you feel calm and refreshed. Dry yourself off, and if you feel so inclined, save the herbs to dry and burn as incense at a later time.

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Amanda Lynn has been dedicated to Witchcraft since childhood. For thirteen years she was a priestess in her local community, where she developed a penchant for ritual creation and spellcraft. She studies aromatherapy, esoterica, and intuitive magick. ...
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