Good Luck Spell

Color of the day:  Ivory
Incense of the day:  Narcissus

Most of us could use some extra good luck. Your thoughts are powerful regarding luck. This spell will help you increase your luck with your thoughts and a good luck charm. If you don’t already have a good luck charm, this is your sign to choose one. A good luck charm can be a favorite necklace/talisman, a lucky coin, or a charm from a bracelet, for instance. Once you have your good luck charm, you can add your intentions for this item to bring you extra luck:

Grant me good luck with

these words that I speak.

Make good luck appear

each day of the week.

I believe good things will

happen wherever I go.

I don’t just believe, this is

something I know.

Repeat these words whenever you want to boost your good luck and to reinforce the intention that good luck and good things will happen for you.

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