POSTED UNDER Relationships, Snow, Wind, AND MORE

Skadi, Snowshoe Goddess

Color of the day:  Green
Incense of the day:  Vanilla

Norse mythology tells the tale of wild Skadi, sometimes described as a goddess, other times as a giantess. She is the patroness of woodslore and winter skills such as snowshoe hiking, skiing, and sledding. She also watches over challenging relationships, so take a close look at yours today. Honor Skadi by wearing white or blue clothing and by reciting these lines:

Skadi, snowshoe goddess,
You run with the wolves
and sing with the winter wind.
Lead us through the frozen forest,
Teach us to rely on
and light our way with the Northern Lights.
When all seems dark,
you remind us we can always vote with our feet.
Hail, Skadi!


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