Readers, please enjoy this guest blog post by Wendell C. Perry, author of the new Behind the Horoscpe.

I never thought of myself as a political person, but looking over my blog (at, I have to admit that in recent years the subject matter has become increasingly political. This got me wondering about what factors in the horoscope are most likely to be the source of an interest in politics. Since I recently completed a book of the astrological houses (Behind the Horoscope: How the Placement of the Sun and Moon Tells a Story About You), I was particularly interested in what is the most “political” house.

My first nominee for most political house in the horoscope is the Ninth House. The Ninth has to do with our ideology and the things we believe. It is where we find the basic truths that define our religion and our politics, as well as our attitudes toward government and public policy. However, the relationship between ideology and politics in this sector is rather abstract. It’s more about theories and political dogma than everyday life.

I associate the Eleventh House with what I call our “chosen” communities. These are the people we choose to be with because their ideas and aspirations align with our own. Obviously, this would include political ideas. Unfortunately, hanging out in our chosen communities with people who mostly agree with us tends to feed the intense partisanship that has recently become such a poison within our political discourse

The Sixth House is also a contender in this race. A legislator, governor, senator and even a president serves his or her constituents, and service is what the Sixth House is all about. When you campaign for a particular candidate, you are essentially choosing a servant. Of course, the service of our politicians is typically designed to please the majority and, if you’re not in that majority, you might not consider yourself well-served.

The long-shot in this race is the Fifth House. The Fifth rules the things we do, not for money or prestige, but because they ignite our passion. There are people who follow politics simple because they are passionate about certain policies and causes. They want to see their ideas advanced but winning and losing is less important to them than the inspiration they draw from their cause. This can sometimes lead these people to look at the give-and-take of politics as a game and lose track of the impact their ideas can have on the lives of real people.

Those are my nominees for the most political house. Those of you with significant placements in one of them should be warned. You might find yourself hopelessly addicted to CNN or Fox or the political memes that come at you though Facebook and Twitter. However, each of these houses can represent many things that have nothing to do with politics. Keep that in mind. Maybe (after the next election) you might want to give some of those other things a try.

Our thanks to Wendell for his guest post! For more from Wendell Perry, read his article “Lifting the Lid on the Eighth House.”

Written by Anna
Anna is the Senior Digital Marketing Strategist, responsible for Llewellyn's New Worlds of Body, Mind & Spirit, the Llewellyn Journal, Llewellyn's monthly email newsletters, email marketing, social media marketing, influencer marketing, content marketing, and much more. In her free time, Anna ...