Also transliterated from the Hebrew as Eheieh, it is a god name assoiated with the highest sephirah, Keter. It is usually translated as "I am;" however, it is an infinitive and is more accurately translated as "I will be."
It comes from the 3rd chapter of Exodus in the Bible. Here, Moses is at the burning bush and is told by God to go to the Egyptian Pharaoh and say, "Let my people go." Moses asks whom should he say sent him, and God responds, "Eh-heh-yeh ah-sher Eh-heh-yeh." This is usually translated as, "I am that I am." Linguistically, this makes little sense, and it has been noted that is makes God sound like the cartoon character Popeye. However, the more accurate translation, "I will be what I will be,"makes far more sense, with God saying that names are irrelevant as God will be whatever He wants to be.