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by Donald Michael Kraig  /  258,463 views
This ritual, called the LBRP for short, is designed to clear your area (and yourself) of negative energies. It is composed of four sections. The LBRP has become a standard part of the Western Mystical Tradition, and has been adapted and altered by many individuals and magickal groups. Here is a
by Carl Llewellyn Weschcke  /  235,570 views
Partial List of the Norse Gods, Goddesses & Other Supernatural Beings: Their Lore, Powers & Influences The Names of the deities are in the old Norse language while the Rune names are in German. (Note: Many of the correspondences given in the following section are adapted from D.J.
by Carl Llewellyn Weschcke  /  181,799 views
A very powerful and effective daily ritual/exercise for activating the five psychic centers of the Middle Pillar in the body. In ways, it resembles the arousing of chakras, but follows the Kabbalistic pattern, and the concept of Light descending and then circulating. Each center is visualized as a
See also: Middle Pillar
by Anodea Judith  /  120,813 views
A chakra is a spinning vortex of energy created within ourselves by the interpenetration of consciousness and the physical body. Through this combination, chakras become centers of activity for the reception, assimilation and transmission of life energies. Uniting the chakras is what we
See also: Chakras
by Israel Regardie  /  110,437 views
Take a steel dagger in the right hand. Face East. Touch thy forehead and say ATEH (thou art) Touch thy breast and say MALKUTH (the Kingdom) Touch thy right shoulder and say VE-GEBURAH (and the Power) Touch thy left shoulder and say VE-GEDULAH (and the Glory) Clasp thy hands before thee and say
by Gerald and Betty Scheuler  /  92,232 views
The dangers of Enochian Magick have at certain times been blown out of all proportion, and at other times carelessly denigrated. Aleister Crowley, for example, casually dismissed its dangers, and his writings leave the risks to the student’s karma. On the other hand, several groups of the Golden
See also: Enochian Magick
by Keith Randolph  /  85,850 views
Visualization plays a key role in the successes of many great athletes. Most obviously, of course, visualization in-creases confidence and motivation. Less obviously, it affects and sharpens players’ muscles. This was discovered by physiologist Edmund Jacobson when he had subjects visualize
by Anodea Judith  /  81,132 views
Element: Fire Color: Yellow Verb: I can Attributes: Power, will, energy, transformation Earth, water, fire. With our bodies grounded and our emotions flowing, we now move on to power, energy and will. This is our third chakra, a yellow lotus of ten petals, located at the solar plexus??"the
See also: Chakras
by Stephanie Clement, Ph.D.  /  80,599 views
Just as your birth chart shows where the planets were when you were born, at any moment another chart can be created. The planets in a chart for a particular moment are called transits. As the planets move through the zodiac, they interact with each other and they relate to the birth chart using
See also: Astrology
by Keith Randolph  /  73,001 views
How do you know when you are under psychic attack? First, a word or two of common sense: Don’t jump to conclusions. If you find yourself having problems, being plagued by bad dreams or suffering from illness without immediate apparent cause, first investigate the normal world of your five senses
by Anodea Judith  /  71,738 views
Element: Sound Color: Bright Blue Verb: I speak Attributes: Sound, vibration, communication, creativity Chakra 5 is located in the region of the neck and shoulders and is the center of communication and creativity. Its color is a bright turquoise blue, mixing the deep indigo of the sixth chakra
See also: Chakras
by Anodea Judith  /  68,995 views
Element: Air Color: Green Verb: I love Attributes: Love, balance, relationship, compassion We are now halfway through our seven-leveled chakra system. Below us are the first three chakras which relate to things and activities in the external physical world. Above us are the top three chakras which
See also: Chakras
by Donald Tyson  /  68,497 views
Voodoo and Witchcraft are the two most misunderstood religions in the world. Each has a public image and an inner reality. Most frequently that public image has little to do with the private, inner and real religion. Voodoo Voodoo is a mixture of Catholicism and ancient African religion. The
See also: Psychic Powers
by Anodea Judith  /  67,475 views
Element: Earth Color: Red Verb: I have Attributes: Survival, grounding, solidity, the body The first chakra is found at the base of the spine, the point you are sitting on right now. Its name, Muladhara, means "root," and the paths of energy in this chakra extend downward like a root through the
See also: Chakras
by Keith Randolph  /  65,145 views
The higher self is that part of your psyche which links you with what one writer calls "the supply of infinite love, wisdom and energy in the universe." Mystics who have experienced it in its pure form describe it as a blinding white light. Mystics say the experience of illumination (also called
by Tadhg MacCrossan  /  64,260 views
The Druids and filídh were known for their divination and mysticism. These took manyforms, such as the learning and verse forms for composing blessings and curses,and the memorization of old hymns, chants and incantations. The basic song wascalled a cantalon in Gaulish (cetal in Old and Middle
See also: Druidism
by Anodea Judith  /  63,056 views
Element: Water Color: Orange Verb: I feel, I want Attributes: Polarity, movement, sexuality, pleasure, emotion We have come from the Earth, energy that is still, solid, dense. We have gained an understanding of our bodies, our grounding, and things associated with one. We are now ready to
See also: Chakras
by Tadhg MacCrossan  /  62,575 views
Druidism can be used synonymously with the phrases Celtic religion and Celtic magic. In order to enter into this magico-religious system, a familiarity with mythology is necessary. Celtic mythology is best represented in the Irish Book of Invasions or Lebor Gábala Érenn. These tales give a
See also: Druidism
by Llewellyn  /  56,472 views
We have looked at astral projection from a number of different points of view. We have seen what happens when the astral body separates momentarily from the physical body; we have traveled around the world, into other realms with it; we have followed it to the moment of death and beyond. But now
by Gerald and Betty Scheuler  /  53,941 views
Enochian Magick was first presented to the public in modern times by Sir John Dee, the court astrologer to Queen Elizabeth of England. Dee was born in England in 1527, and was a magician as well as an astrologer. Working with Edward Kelly (sometimes spelled Kelley), his psychic associate and
See also: Enochian Magick
Vote Now for Your Favorite Authors and Artists in the World Divination Association Awards!
by Anna
Voting is now open for the 2024 World Divination Association Awards! The World Divination Association teaches and supports diviners internationally with leading experts in their divination field. Voting is now open for their 2024 Awards, which...
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