Also spelled Hode.
The eighth sephirah on the Tree of Life, Splendor, Renown. Located at the base of the Pillar of Form and Severity.
In Atziluth, the World or Origins, it is the Feminine Divine Power in each person.
Name of God: Elohim Tzabaoth
Archangel: Raphael
Angelic Host: Beni Elohim
Astrological Correspondence: Mercury
Body: left hip
Consciousness: the Intellect as part of Ruach, (the Conscious Self)
Element: Water
Magical Image: a warrior hermaphrodite
Symbol: the caduceus
Tarot: The four Eights
In Briah, the World of Creation:
Archangel: Raphael –
Conscience, the sense of right and wrong.
The mind as an instrument.
Learning from injury.
In Yetzirah the World of Formation:
Angelic Host: Beni Elohim –
First Awareness of Divinity.
In Assiah, the World of Expression:
Astrological Correspondence: Mercury
Intelligence as adaptability to the environment.
Instruction: the Hermetic Path
Rites & Rituals
Occult Texts
Both sexes in one person, searching for one another.
Mind as complement to Soul.