Posted Under Astrology

Vocational Guidance: No Longer a "Tough One" for Astrology

Astrological Chart Illustration

It's hard to believe how many people simply hate the work they do. They say they're in the "wrong" job, the "wrong" profession or career, and they've felt that way for perhaps twenty-thirty years. They're stuck.

Finding a job that "does something" for you is an important life decision for an under-30 person, trying to find work that will add something to his or her life. The younger people in our population talk about that point openly; their parents didn't, and for the most part the slightly older generation lived and worked in areas prescribed by family tradition, an arbitrary decision or an accident. If the job helped them feel good about themselves, that would be fortuitously fortunate. If not, the job was routinely dismal.

Another way to view this is, "We are what we do?" We spend more time at work than we spend on anything else in our life, often more than sleeping. Even our appearance begins to be shaped by the work we do. There are stereotypes of conformity that define vocations; our work position reflects our education, our plans for family development, our social status. It reflects what our parents taught us, including what they did or didn't support. For this reason, it's got to be as right of a fit for us as we can make it.

When we work, spending all that time doing things for positive evaluation and (we hope) rewards in the form of salary, recognition, or advancement, we are actually trying to do our best with what we have. We attempt to express ourselves constructively. We do this by working to fulfill our individual needs—using our individualized behaviors and projecting our individualized hopes and dreams into our world. Ideally, our job will challenge and reward those efforts for personal fulfillment.

The list of our needs and dominant behaviors is practically endless, but so is the symbolism of astrology. Modern astrology is able to capture the focus of an individual's needs and behaviors, anchoring them into a professional arena that can be fulfilling—not just rudimentarily, but emphatically.

A tough time for centuries
Even just fifty years ago, it was a tough assignment for astrology to delineate the best vocation for anyone. The measurements were contrived, long-winded, and open to unfocused delineations that were downright embarrassing. Now it's different because we have a system that does work.

I spent twenty-some years developing the core concept and measurement practice of the Midheaven Extension Process. I unveiled it on my website about eighteen months ago and have watched how people throughout the astrology world have grasped it, worked with it, and produced reliable results with it.

The basic premise is this: the horoscope is a presentation of highly individualized needs and the behaviors we develop to fulfill those needs. Ideally, the behaviors work together, much as the second baseman, the shortstop, and the first baseman work together in baseball to make a double-play. I found ways to relate our behaviors similarly, dynamically, and productively.

Believe it or not, I dispensed with signs for the most part; I discovered that aspects were unimportant except to establish contact among needs and behaviors. In short, I found a way to link behavioral traits with individual needs to locate an anchored position within an astrological House, which is a field of our life experience. In essence, the Midheaven Extension Process brings the heavens down to earth through the application of the Midheaven to an individual's behaviors, focusing on particular arenas of life/work experience.

What used to take astrologers up to two days to devise and contemplate with considerable insecurity can now can be fulfilled with 85-90% accuracy (depending on your practice and skill), often within two minutes … or perhaps within twenty seconds!

Yes, it truly works. Using the Midheaven Extension Process, hundreds of examples have been studied and analyzed by astrologers across the world. Their proficiency grows quickly with practice. It's a pleasure to see astrology reliably doing its best work in a field of service that is so vital to each individual.

Imagine the corroborative power the process can offer to people stepping up the fast pace of their careers, making that commitment for a lifetime. Imagine the insight the process can give people who have made a wrong turn yet have the opportunity to make adjustments. Imagine the brilliant illumination possible for young people determining their future, either in college or into the work force. Imagine how this effective process will add to your astrological skill!

About Noel Tyl

Noel Tyl was one of the foremost astrologers in the world. His twenty textbooks have guided astrologers for two generations, and his lecture activities reached out through sixteen countries and some 200,000 miles a year. Tyl ...