Posted Under Paganism & Witchcraft

Fig Spell to Embody Your Desire

Fresh Figs

Something I've observed over and over in public rituals and trance possession work with the Greek god Hades is that this chthonic king is attractive—and I don't mean just his physical appearance. Hades' energy is mysterious and alluring. It's magnetic. Hades is not domineering, yet his presence tends to take over any room that he enters. People queue up to speak with him. They whisper their secret queries and lay bare their most painful, hidden wounds. He listens intently and has a wonderfully blunt, wry sense of humor. He may sometimes comfort or advise petitioners, but a question he often asks them is, "What do you desire?"

This is one of the great paradoxes of the Ruler of the Dead: he is insatiably curious about what makes us feel truly alive. Hades is virile in a way that seems antithetical to being a death god, and he has a deep understanding that desire is a vital, essential component of who we are as humans. Desire motivates us. It moves us toward what we want, what makes us feel vibrant and connected. However, recognizing what we truly want, and sharing it with other people, is an incredibly vulnerable act. Our desire to express our authentic self can sometimes seem like it is in direct competition with our desire for acceptance and love, so we relegate it to the shadows. We ignore or downplay our deepest longings out of fear that they will harm us or others; rejection hurts, so we opt for safety instead.

The endless flow of incoming data, mixed messages, digital stimulation, and more screen than face-to-face time that have become hallmarks of modern life can, ironically, also add to our sense of disconnection. In the midst of all the digital distraction, it's easy to become detached from our desire. As a result, we may find ourselves feeling listless, bored, or unfulfilled without being able to pinpoint any specific cause.

Fig is an incredible plant ally to help us get back in touch with our desires. The fig is a species of small flowering tree native to the Mediterranean and western Asia. It has been widely cultivated for its fruit and ornamental beauty. Its sweet fruit is tear-shaped and may ripen from green into a deep purple or brown color. The fruit contains a plethora of small, crunchy seeds, and has been consequently linked to sex, potency, and fertility since ancient times. The following spell will help you hone in on your desire, release what no longer serves you, welcome new intuitions and ways of being, and fully embody your desire. You will need:

  • One fresh fig
  • One sheet of paper
  • Pen, pencil or marker
  • Shallow plate or bowl
  • Tarot or oracle cards (if desired)

Selecting a fresh fig is relatively simple. I prefer black mission figs, but you can use whatever is available from your local farmer's market or grocery produce section. The fig should have a gentle give when squeezed and a subtle, pleasantly sweet smell. Fresh figs stay edible at room temperature for 1-2 days. If the fruit begins to smell sour, has become soft or mushy, or is leaking water, it has become overripe and spoiled.

Once you have gathered all your supplies and are ready to begin the spell, start by drawing a six-pointed star, or hexagram, on a piece of paper. Be sure that the mid-section of the hexagram (where the two triangles overlap) is large enough to accommodate a whole fig. Starting at the bottom point of the star, write the words, "I need." Continuing in a clockwise manner, write one of the following prompts at each additional point: "I want," "I feel," "I release," "I welcome, " and, "I embody." After you have prepped the sheet of paper, cast a circle and ward your space for the spell working.

Fig Spell Hexagram

Sit comfortably with the fig in the palm of one hand. Recite the following incantation aloud as you trace the hexagram with the index finger of your other hand:
As above, so below
This fig ripens as my desires grow
May this working connect and empower me
As I will, so mote it be

Once you have completed the incantation, speak the words, "I need…" and let your inner knowing complete the sentence. Take a moment to write down your need at the appropriate point on the hexagram. Repeat this operation once for each prompt/point of the star. If you choose, you can also draw one tarot or oracle card for each point of the star to give you even more insight into how to connect with your desire.

After working your way around the hexagram, place the fig in the center of the star. Sending your energy, intention, and magic into the fig, repeat the incantation one final time, and read your answers to each prompt aloud ("I need…," "I want…," etc.). Your goal is to fill the fig with all the magic of this working so that when you eat it, you will truly embody your desires. Next, place the sheet of paper and the fig on a shallow plate or bowl, and release your circle. Speak the words: "It is done." Let your fig and hexagram rest overnight in a safe place.

The following day, consume the fig in an intentional manner. The skin of fresh figs is edible and does not need to be peeled. Simply remove any of the rough stem that may be left on the fig, slice the fruit in half, and enjoy! As you eat, remember that you are connecting with your desires, sealing the magical working by ingesting this plant ally. Send the spirit of the fig your gratitude as you eat it. Keep the completed hexagram in your journal or on your altar, so that you can refer back to it as the magic unfolds.

Personally, I like to offer the second half of my fig to my patron deity, Hades, so that he may further bless and empower its working. I take half of the fig outside, and dig a shallow hole in the soil (such as in my garden, under a tree, in a potted plant, etc.). I place the halved fig inside the hole and humbly petition Hades' aid for my spell. After covering the fig with soil, and expressing my gratitude, I stomp the ground three times. Stomping the ground to catch the notice of the Underworld is an ancient way of letting Hades know that an offering has been made. It's unlikely that a new fig tree will grow from your offering, but just in case, consider wisely where you choose to bury this magical ally.

If you'd like more tips on how to work with plant allies, chthonic deities, and the mysteries of desire and shadow, please check out my book, Hades: Myth, Magic and Modern Devotion. In addition to a treasure trove of Hades mythology and lore, the book also contains information and suggestions for working with a wide variety of plants and animals sacred to Hades and the Underworld.

About Jamie Waggoner

Jamie Waggoner is a Pagan priestess, philosopher, writer, and teacher. She cofounded the Way of Weaver, a gender-inclusive program of magical inquiry, social justice, and community building. Jamie has studied folklore, ...

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