![]() Embarking on a spiritual path is similar to starting an exercise program, or attempting to hone any craft. It takes practice, and lots of it. Regular, and ideally daily, practice. We are often envious of those who seem to effortlessly pull off any task, be it casting a spell or performing an Olympic feat. What we forget to acknowledge is that, in addition to whatever innate talents those individuals may have, they have also usually put in their fair share of study and practice. Whether you are a runner, a writer, or a Witch, there is truth in the old adage, "practice makes perfect," although we might rather say "practice makes mastery." Perfection is after all rather dull, not to mention hard to come by. Waiting for the Right Time A regular daily practice is key to spiritual development. Ritual is extremely underrated in our contemporary society. We find it difficult to do more by way of ritual than get out of bed and brush our teeth each day (and sometimes even that is hard!). In light of this, how do we manage to do something for our spiritual selves each day? Start simple. Take a few moments each morning, evening, or right after work and do something that helps you feel closer to the realm of spirit. Say a prayer, light a candle, meditate, keep a spiritual journal, or whatever works best for you. The best practice is the one you do. Recipe for Prayer If you prefer to craft your own prayers, Raven Grimassi presents a formula by which to do so in The Witches' Craft: The Roots of Witchcraft & Magical Transformation, asserting that "prayer, like all things in a serious magical system, has a structure and is based upon metaphysical concepts." The formula includes five basic stages: greet, identify, praise, request, and thank. You greet the gods or goddesses by name, identify them by their specific qualities, praise them for their good deeds, make your request, and thank them for all they do. You can tailor this formula to access any deity for any purpose. Meditation and Dreamwork Candle Meditation Direct your gaze to the burning candle. Do not stare intently, but face the candle with your eyes open. Let your focus soften. Do not strain your eyes. If they are tired, close them, but visualize the candle in your mind. If visualization is difficult, alternate between opening your eyes and studying the candle, and then closing your eyes and re-creating the picture in your mind. This will help build your visualization skills. Do not worry if you have difficulty holding the image. Hold the idea of the candle in your mind. Do this meditation for a few minutes at first and build to longer intervals. When done, extinguish the candle, close your eyes, rest, and relax. Journal keeping is another simple way in which to bring the spiritual into the everyday. Penczak also advocates such "magickal record keeping." He argues that your spiritual work is "facilitated if you have a record to look back on, to see where you were, where you are, and where you hope to be." When faced with the prospect of keeping a daily journal, many people wonder what on earth in their life is interesting enough to fill pages. If this is something you worry about, why not start by keeping a dream journal? Keep a notebook and pen by your bed and write down all that you can remember of your dreams upon awakening. You may think to yourself that you rarely remember anything about your dreams, in fact, you may wonder if you even have them every night. You do. Just getting into the habit of writing down a little something each morning and trying to remember will improve your ability to recall your dreams with greater clarity. Keeping a dream journal has the added benefit of developing your relationship with your subconscious and helping you to understand your own personal symbols. Kristin Madden, in The Book of Shamanic Healing, suggests that you "make an attempt to recall as many aspects of the dream as possible. Try to be very specific about how you felt, what you were wearing, what colors you saw, and any associated smells, sounds, colors, and so on. Include those beings or objects that you experienced, the time of day or night, the location, any activity that occurred." When you regularly keep track of this information, you may start to notice significant patterns, or discover particularly meaningful symbols that you wish to incorporate in your other rituals. Keep it Going I stated earlier that right now is the best time to begin a regular spiritual practice, regardless of when "now" is. If you are desperately in need of some symbolic outer circumstances for beginning your spiritual practice, right now is an especially good time. Any moment offers a new chance to make your real life a little closer to that ideal life you live in your head. Make your spiritual life a priority. Take as little as fifteen minutes each day and incorporate one of the practices above, or do some research of your own and find another that works for you. |