Listed Under Healing, Pagan, Spells, Witchcraft

Slow Magic

Cultivate Lasting Transformation through Spellwork and Self-Growth

You have the power and the magical prowess to create sustainable, positive change in your life. Anthony Rella teaches you the long-term magic you need to make it happen. Meaningful experiences don't come without commitment—you need slow magic for profound and enduring work. Featuring dozens of hands-on exercises and theoretical discussions of magic, this book supports you in making big changes without getting burned out.

Anthony . . .

You have the power and the magical prowess to create sustainable, positive change in your life. Anthony Rella teaches you the long-term magic you need to make it happen. Meaningful experiences don't come without commitment—you need slow magic for profound and enduring work. Featuring dozens of hands-on exercises and theoretical discussions of magic, this book supports you in making big changes without getting burned out.

Anthony motivates you to persevere over days, months, and years; he provides many exercises and techniques that keep you engaged with your long-term goals regardless of what is happening in everyday life. He also helps you evaluate today's magical outcomes so you can make later workings better. This book is a valuable tool for building relationships with spiritual allies, deepening your dedication, and nurturing lifelong happiness.

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"The deepest magick takes time. In a world full of instant gratification and fast-food spirituality, Slow Magic by Anthony Rella is a must-have intelligent guide that goes beyond simple spellwork, highlighting the importance of patience, context, and interconnectedness of living magickally. Tony's captivating storytelling and practical wisdom provide a transformative approach to magick, urging readers to embrace their own power and live . . .

"The deepest magick takes time. In a world full of instant gratification and fast-food spirituality, Slow Magic by Anthony Rella is a must-have intelligent guide that goes beyond simple spellwork, highlighting the importance of patience, context, and interconnectedness of living magickally. Tony's captivating storytelling and practical wisdom provide a transformative approach to magick, urging readers to embrace their own power and live with purpose. With a wealth of experience in the Feri tradition, Tony strikes a perfect balance between personal insights and universal principles, equipping readers with practical tools for transforming their lives through continual unfoldment of magickal development. What makes Slow Magic truly special is its focus on the connections between people, communities, and the environment. This book inspires and empowers you to embrace life's beautiful complexities. It's perfect for anyone wanting to explore the magickal universe on a deeper level and strengthen their sense of connection. Dive into Slow Magic and get ready to be inspired and empowered!"
Mat Auryn, author of Psychic Witch, Mastering Magick, and The Psychic Art of Tarot

"With so many introductory books in print, a common question among readers of magical works is 'where can I go from here?' Slow Magic by Anthony Rella wonderfully answers this question. Packed with insight and expertise from Anthony's many years as a witch and therapist, alongside potent exercises and opportunities for reflection and growth, this book is an invaluable addition to the library of any magical practitioner who wants to deepen their practice and create powerful, beneficial change in their life."
Durgadas Allon Duriel, author of Worthy As You Are and The Little Work: Magic to Transform Your Everyday Life

ISBN-13: 9780738777085
Imprint: Llewellyn
Pub Date: February 2025
Product Type: Trade Paperback
Page Count: 312 pages
Size: 5 x 8 IN
Case Quantity: 40

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