We have all made mistakes that have left us feeling inadequate in some way. They haunt us as we try to sleep, reminding us of our shortcomings and filling our heads with guilt. This spell reminds us to find the grace within us to wash away our imperfections and align with the energy of self-love. You will need: A few dried rose petals A glass half-filled with tap water A piece of scrap paper A washable marker Before you go to bed, drop the rose petals into the glass of tap water. Stir ...
Utilizing the protective qualities of Scorpio and Mars, this oil protects against all who might try to harm you magically. It's especially good against works of illusion or glamouring, as well as influences from the dead. You will need: Olive oil (or your preferred carrier oil) A bowl A sewing needle (unused), or you can use a long thorn, like those from the honey locust tree (Gleditsia triacanthos) or certain cacti Basil essential oil A bottle or canning jar Pour the olive oil into ...
Use this divination when you need a clear yes or no answer or guidance when deciding between two distinct options. Take a small taper-shaped purple or white spell candle and hold it in your hands as you think of your question. Place the candle in a holder on a firesafe dish. Use a marker or eyeliner pencil to make marks on the candleholder to demarcate two halves. Let each side represent one of the two choices you're facing, or use one side to represent the "yes" and the other side to represent ...
On this day we celebrate the life and legacy of Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. and inaugurate the 47th president of the United States. Using a fireproof dish or candleholders, light one green candle for healing and one blue one for peace. Recite and meditate on these words from Rev. King's "I Have a Dream" speech, delivered on Aug. 28, 1963, at the Lincoln Memorial: Even though we face the difficulties of today and tomorrow, I still have a dream. It is a dream deeply rooted in the American dream. ...